
Rapport d'activités du Collège Sainte-Véronique Liège (BELGIQUE) - 2006/2007

2.3. Exploitation de la BD éditée par la Fondation Polaire

Compte-rendu des élèves en anglais.

Our teacher,Mrs Gillard, told us about a project called "CLIMATIC" for which our school participates.
She asked us to look for newspaper articles about Global Warming, climate changes, natural catastrophes,.... around the world.
Of course, we found a lot of them but to our big surprise, we found articles about renewable energies like sun panels in cities, on roofs of factories,...
Articles about wind energy, water energy and biomasses.

Then Mrs Gillard familiarized us with the scientific approach by giving us a lesson on Global Warming : She explained the greenhouse effect, the origin
of the hole in the ozone layer and the consequences on human beings.

In February 2007, we started reading the comic book called "The Migration of the Ibanes". We learned about different problematics : We have become
aware that the icebergs in the North Pole are melting and polar bears and other species are dying. The deforestation of tropical forests destroys the
habitat of animals and the life of human beings.Factories which are relocated in these virgin parts of the planet destroy the eco-system.
All these problems are caused by Man who only cares about economical,social and cultural issues rather than environmental ones.

We are now aware that the balance of the eco-system on our planet is fragile and we must change our habits and persuade other people to do the same.

Students from 3A/3B.